Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin at very specific locations on the body to create a therapeutic effect. It is integral to many traditional East-Asian systems of medicine, and there is a multitude of different styles and practices within this therapeutic modality. I call upon traditional Chinese medicine practices as well as Japanese Meridian Therapy techniques. The Japanese style emphasizes palpation of the patient’s pulse, abdomen and meridians to inform the diagnosis, treatment and progress throughout the course of treatment. The techniques utilize the smallest of acupuncture needles, with insertions remaining very superficial in most cases. Needles are often retained for short periods, 5-15 minutes, as multiple small sets are often administered and other techniques (including moxibustion and body work) are employed throughout the treatment time. Some techniques involve non-insertive tools, which have a very calming effect and are great for adults and children that tend to be sensitive to treatment. Treatments overall are gentle yet direct, aiming to shift the patient's pathology at the root of the imbalance. This in turn can provide lasting relief from a myriad of symptoms, including: all types of pain, anxiety/depression/irritability, digestive concerns, fatigue, insomnia, menstrual disorders and much more. See Conditions Treated for more information.
With regular acupuncture treatments, patients often report...
Reduced levels of chronic pain and discomfort in the body
Increased range of motion and sense of mobility/flexibility
Improved quality of sleep and/or energy levels
Improved quality of digestion and elimination
Improved mood and sense of calm