Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin at very specific locations on the body to create a therapeutic effect. I call upon traditional Chinese medicine practices as well as Japanese Meridian Therapy techniques. Treatments overall are gentle yet direct, aiming to shift the patient's pathology at the root of the imbalance. This in turn can provide lasting relief from a myriad of symptoms including all types of pain, anxiety/depression/irritability, digestive concerns, fatigue, insomnia, menstrual disorders and much more.
Moxibustion involves the burning of the medicinal herb Artemesia (mugwort) on or over the skin at very specific locations on the body to produce a therapeutic effect. The body is stimulated by the heat emitted and by the particular medicinal properties of this herb. I utilize moxibustion in combination with acupuncture, particularly with patients that are deficient, chronically cold and fatigued.
Cupping involves creating a local suction on the skin with a specialized cup in order to mobilize blood flow, release toxins and promote healing in the area. The cups may be retained in place to focus the effect on one location (i.e. at a joint), or moved along a meridian or muscle group to affect an entire region (i.e. along the whole length of the back). I most commonly use it in conjunction with acupuncture for the treatment musculoskeletal conditions, as well as respiratory ailments including bronchitis, asthma and the common cold.
Chinese Herbology is an ancient and highly sophisticated system that is similarly foundational to classical Chinese medicine as the practice of acupuncture. I typically use original classical formulas that are often very simple, food-grade herbal combinations that can have a profound effect on one’s health. Formula prescription addresses the whole person, targeting the underlying imbalance to resolve a multitude of symptoms. Conditions treated with Chinese herbs are numerous, including digestive, respiratory, gynecological, musculoskeletal, mental-emotional, and much more.