Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbology is an ancient and highly sophisticated system that is similarly foundational to classical Chinese medicine as the practice of acupuncture. It is a complete system of medicine in its own right. As with acupuncture, there are many schools of theory and practice in the prescription of Chinese herbal formulas. I call upon classical formulas that are often very simple, food-grade herbal combinations that can have a profound effect on one’s health. Formula prescription addresses the whole person, targeting the underlying imbalance to resolve a multitude of symptoms. The herbal remedies are commonly taken as a tea a couple times per day, as imbibing and tasting the flavors of the ingredients is considered therapeutic in itself. Admittedly, some are more delicious than others so there are options for capsuled formulas as well. Herbal remedies support and often accelerate the health improvements gained with acupuncture, though I do offer herbal consultations as a stand alone therapy for those that are not interested in receiving acupuncture. Conditions treated with Chinese herbs are numerous, including digestive, respiratory, gynecological, musculoskeletal, mental-emotional, and much more.